Tuna Tartare with a Toasted Sesame, Orange & Ginger Ponzu, Topped with Cilantro Avocado & Roasted Peanuts

Tuna Tartare on a Fried Wonton

Tuna Tartare on a Fried Wonton

Tuna Tartare Served on a Rice cracker and displayed with edible Penta flowers

Tuna Tartare Served on a Rice cracker and displayed with edible Penta flowers

Tuna Tartare Served in a bowl with Blue Corn Tortilla Chips

Tuna Tartare Served in a bowl with Blue Corn Tortilla Chips

Tuna Tartare Served on an edible leaf, or on butter lettuce like a wrap. These Thai Piper Betel leaves are hard to find, so get creative. Use endive or a spinach leaf

Tuna Tartare Served on an edible leaf, or on butter lettuce like a wrap. These Thai Piper Betel leaves are hard to find, so get creative. Use endive or a spinach leaf

Sometimes you can have the best recipe and it’s good enough. But just changing how you display it can bring it to another level. It’s amazing how food is so much more appealing if displayed beautifully. Sometimes the difference between a fancy, expensive restaurant and a casual one is just the way the food is displayed artistically with greens, flowers, nuts, or on a pretty plate.

This tuna tartare is good enough on it’s own. Just dumped in a bowl and served with chips. But, will go farther, serve more people and look more elegant if displayed on rice crackers, with edible flowers, or leaves cut into shapes or just plain store bought wontons, deep fried.

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Marinate: 30 minutes to 3 hours (not longer)


1 ½ lb of good quality sushi grade tuna

3 Tbs of Coco Amino Acids (I used Big Tree Farms Organic)

1 Tbs honey

1 ½ Tbs freshly grated ginger

½ tsp toasted sesame oil

2 Tbs orange juice

½ tsp Asian fish sauce

4 Tbs fresh squeezed lime juice

¼ cup chopped cilantro leaves

3 Tbs sliced green onions

To serve:

Roasted peanuts

Black sesame seeds

Chopped avocado

Refrigerated or frozen small square wontons, fried for 2-3 minutes in a neutral flavored oil


Small rice crackers to display on


Blue tortilla chips


Freeze the fresh tuna for 15 minutes only. This will make it easier to cut. Cut into slices and then stack slices and cut into equal ½ inch squares.

In a separate bowl, mix the coco amino acids (or soy sauce) with the orange juice, fish sauce, sesame oil, grated ginger, honey and fresh lime juice. Stir well. Add the tuna. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Do not let sit more than 3 hours as the lime juice will cook the fish and turn it opaque in color. Before serving, stir in the chopped cilantro.

Serve with desired accompaniments. Spoon tuna onto plate or bowl or leaf or cracker and top with sesame seeds, sliced green onions, roasted peanuts and chopped avocado


Seared Mexican Cheese on A Bed of Sautéed Onions & Peppers, Smothered in Tomatillo Salsa


Oreo Truffles