Chocolate Candy Easter Eggs In Cocoa Rice Krispie Nests With Edible Green Apple Grass


With Spring and Easter on the horizon, its time to transition from heavy stews and soups to pastels and lighter food. These nests are just a take on a classic Rice Krispie recipe. Feel free to use either plain or cocoa Rice Krispies. These were made with chocolate to give the nest a little brown color. The green grass is edible green apple flavored Easter grass available in green, blue and pink. It is from Galere and is available at Target, World Market, Publix and Amazon. The eggs are the mini Cadbury chocolate easter eggs.

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 5 minutes

Serves: 12


3 Tbs butter

4 cups (10 oz bag) mini marshmallows

5 cups Rice Crispies (Cocoa or plain)

Edible green grass. This was a 1oz bag with plenty of leftovers

Cadbury mini chocolate Eggs


  1. Butter a muffin tin. Cut out 12 small rounds of parchment paper and place inside of each muffin holder.

  2. Melt the butter only heat in a medium to large fry pan. Add the marshmallows. Stir quickly until melted. Pour the Rice Krispies into the pan and stir rapidly. Let cool just a little.

  3. Place a Tablespoon or so of Rice Krispie marshmallow mixture into the bottom of each muffin space. Flatten with a spoon. If it sticks you can always press it down in place by placing a square of parchment paper between your spoon and the Rice Krispies.

  4. When the marshmallow mixture if cooler, line the sides of each tin with the mixture and press it into the sides. Let cool.

  5. You can remove the nests when cool and you can still work the shapes with your fingers a bit to perfect them.

  6. Place a few strands of edible grass inside and top with 3 candy chocolate eggs each.


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